Quinta de Baixo - Rehabilitation of the Main Building and Construction of a Support Building
Customer | Aguas do Porto, EM
Project Value | 2,750,000€
Project Duration | 26 months
Inspection, Quality Management, Safety Coordination and Environmental Management Services for the "Quinta de Baixo Project - Rehabilitation of the Main Building and Construction of a Support Building"
The project to be supervised consists of the rehabilitation of the Quinta de Baixo Main Building and respective exterior arrangements, as well as the execution of a new support building equipped with an auditorium, parking and exterior arrangements, which will act as a complementary infrastructure to support the main building .

Rua Esteiro de Campanhã, 82
4300 - 174 Porto
Tel (+351) 220 434 870
Email: geral@diligentparallel.com
Av. Freedom, 69 - 4E
1250-140 Lisbon
Tel (+351) 210 539 633