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Linha da Beira Alta , Mangualde - Pampilhosa, Santa Comba dão, Ferrovia, Fiscalização, Diligentprojects

Beira Alta Railway

Rehabilitation and Expansion of the Alice Vieira Basic School

Beira Alta Raiway


Cliente |  Infraestruturas de Portugal

Project Value | -€


Project Duration |  24 months

Railway project covering the modernization of 33 km of track, including remodeling of stations, stabilization of platforms, construction of signaling infrastructure, among others.
It also includes the construction of a new connection between the Beira Alta and Norte lines, with a 1.2 km viaduct.
Additionally, modernization of 40 km of track, focusing on station layout, slope reinforcement, drainage infrastructure and adaptation for electric traction. ​
This ranges from the complete replacement of the track superstructure to the remodeling of stations and stops, with the aim of improving operational efficiency and ensuring optimal conditions for train circulation.
Viaduto Linha da Beira Alta

© 2023 Diligentprojects Lda | Portugal

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